Blue Apatite is the crystal to grab whenever you need help with anything willpower related: resolutions, healthy eating, substance avoidance, self-kindness, etc.
It helps you to see the opportunities that surround you, and invites you to pursue them.
This crystal wants you to dive deep into your interests and go beyond the surface.
Little fun facts/history:
Apatite comes in a variety of colors, with the blue variety being the most widely available.
Apatite was named by the Ancient Greeks after Apatite, goddess of recite, because it was often mistaken for other minerals, mostly Fluorite and Aquamarine.
*Price for one (1). You will receive this exact heart. Please expect some variation in color, shape, and other natural characteristics.
**Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. The information contained here in is metaphysical in nature and does not claim to heal or cure, and should not be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine.