-Commitment -Purification -Joy
Garnet is a powerful energizing stone that protects you, and is said to warn you of approaching danger. It will inspire love and devotion and removes inhibitions and taboos. Garnet activates other crystals, amplifying their effect.
It works closely with those grounding chakras to keep you safe and steady on your feet and less likely to slip into traps of self-doubt and jealousy and all those traits that can get in the way of forging a close-knit bond with your loved one.
Garnet is a highly uplifting stone with its rich colors and warming glow you cannot help but feel supported and nurtured by its deep healing properties.
It’s an amazing talisman to have close for those times you may feel the need to be balanced out. It keeps you off the emotional roller-coaster by ensuring that your self-esteem is high enough to make healthy choices and that you approach life from a positive point of view.
*Price for one (1). The images are Stock photos of a small portion of our collection. Please expect some variation in color, shape, and other natural characteristics.
**Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. The information contained here in is metaphysical in nature and does not claim to heal or cure, and should not be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine.