What is a Mala and How to Use One
First, lets talk about what a mala is. A mala is a string of 108 beads. It is the same thing as a rosary. Or prayer bead or meditation beads. It is a wonderful tool to calm the mind and clear thoughts, bringing you to be present in the moment.
108 is a sacred number in Hinduism. Each bead representing spiritual identity and connection with the universe. A mala usually has an additional bead to the 108 beads, called the “guru bead”, largest bead at the top or bead marked with a tassel. The tassel signifies the end point, that you have gone all the way around the mala completing your meditation. With each bead you will focus on breath and the mantra. This process creates positive spiritual energy – known as ‘japa’.
Find a mantra or affirmation based mantra. A mantra is a phrase, word, or sound that you can use to help focus your mind during this time of meditation and to quiet the mind. “I am” statements are great affirmations to use. I am peace. I am where I am suppose to be. I am safe. I am on the right path. I am happy. I am grateful. “Om” is a common one to use.
You can create your own mantra that feels calming to you. Choose a mantra that speaks to you.
How to Use a Mala:
- Find a comfortable place to quiet your mind. Take a couple of deep breaths.
- Hold your mala in your right hand and over your third finger. Let it drape over. Tassel towards you. Start with the bead to the right of the guru bead.
- Using your thumb, one by one, bring the beads towards you. Try not to use the index finger as this is believed to represent the ego. Breathe in and breathe out.
- While bringing each bead towards you, breathe in and out, saying your mantra. You can say your mantra quietly in your mind, speak it out loud, or whisper it.
- Once back at the guru bead, you have completed 108 breaths and mantras!
- If you would like to do another round, just move your fingers in the opposite direction until you reach the guru bead again.
Once you have made it around all 108 beads you will reach the guru bead. Take a moment to pause, reflect and thank yourself, your guru, your mantra for taking this time to sit in a moment of calmness.
Malas are a great tool, especially useful for those new to meditation. It is a great tool to use after a stressful day, being able to connect to your breath and take some time to quiet the mind. You can wear your mala as a bracelet or as a necklace. Also, set intentions with your mala, whether that is by the moon cycles or your own intentions, day to day. There are so many ways to use them. Getting started and practice is the best way to begin!