Crystal Programming

Crystal programming is when you set an intention with a specific crystal for the purpose to reach results you want to manifest or for a specific energy. Crystals can do so much, so by programming a crystal, you are asking them to do something for you. Also, programming can speed its effects.
- Start by choosing a freshly cleansed crystal and identify what you want it to help you with. Know a little bit about the crystal you are about to work with, you may need to do a little research.
- Hold it in both of your hands and close your eyes. Sit quietly and imagine your intent.
- Start with, “I wish to program this crystal to...” and say out loud what you wish the crystal to hold for you.
I program this crystal, for protecting me while I travel.
I program this crystal, to help me concentrate for my math test.
I program this crystal, to provide me with prosperity.
***If there is nothing specific you are wishing for, you can ask for it to work to your “highest good”. By saying this, it is giving your crystal permission to send energy where it needs to go.
I program this crystal, for my highest good.
- Imagine turning your intent to light…traveling up your arm…into your hand…and into your crystal.
- Hold that intent for a few minutes or however long you feel it needs.
Always be very clear and specific in what your intention is with the crystal.
***If you are feeling guided by your intuition to program a crystal, then do so. Otherwise, it is best to let the crystal do it’s thing and is already working perfectly for what it is you are needing and healing!