Cleansing and Charging Crystals

Cleansing and Charging Crystals

It’s important to cleanse crystals regularly, they can become infused with negative energies. They absorb negativity need to be cleansed frequently. Crystal vibrational energies may change when being handled, moving locations, or even just sitting there. Just as our energies change when we are around crystals, a crystals energy can change as well. Here are a few different options that you can cleanse your crystals. 

  • Singing bowls and brass singing bowls can cleanse your crystals. Once you bring the singing bowl to ringing, then hold your crystals within the sound field.
  • Sunlight or Moonlight cleansing. Setting your crystals on the windowsill or outdoors overnight. When putting your crystals outside under the moonlight, be sure to find a dry space to lay the and away from water, if you have wet weather, it is best to leave them by the window in the moonlight. Leave your stones out all night and bring them in at dawn. They will fill your crystals with positive and clear energy. Both moonlight and sunlight can cleanse and recharge your crystals. Some crystals do fade/discolor in the sunlight if left out too long, be aware.
  • Incense; Let incense, sandalwood, sage bundle, palo santo, or sweetgrass and allow the smoke to drift over the crystals. If the smoke comes into contact with the space around the crystal, it’s enough; passing the crystal through the smoke is good, too. If you have many crystals you are needing to cleanse this is a great way to cleanse many at one time. 
  • Selenite is known for its rejuvenating power, making it the perfect crystal to cleanse and recharge your stones. By laying your crystals on selenite for a minimum of 6 hours, longer the better. Selenite is an amazing crystal, it is an extremely purifying stone and has the ability to absorb and neutralize energy and recharge them with a high vibration. 
  • Salt/Water or Rice Cleansing. Sea salt is a natural cleansing agent, so you can leave crystals in a bowl of water with a tablespoon of sea salt. Putting the crystals in a bowl of rice over night or for up to a week.  Malachite, Amber, Moonstone, Amber, Selenite, Opal, Calcite, Topaz, and Kyanite are more crystals you should never cleanse this way.
  • Crystals can also be buried under the earth so they reconnect with their natural environment. Burying them in an indoor plant pot for one to a few days, depending on how you feel they need cleansing. 
  • Crystal cleansing. Place your crystal on an amethyst bed or quartz cluster, or inside a geode. 

The more you use a particular crystal the more often it should be cleansed and then charged. 

*Please note that some crystals can be damaged by extended sunlight or being submerged in water. Do your research on your particular crystal before using these cleansing techniques.

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