Carnelian, also named The Sunset Stone by Ancient Egyptians. And also called the Artist’s Stone.
It isn’t called The Artist’s Stone for no reason, Carnelian invites you to write, paint, dance and sing and it does so, by letting energy flow, and encouraging you to embrace your inner child and say a sweet yes to spontaneity.
Carnelian gives you a whole new lease of life and keeps you feeling motivated and confident now that you have been able to step out of the shadows.
Carnelian helps to kick out the imposter syndrome and to keep the faith that what they make is magic.
Carnelian is connected to the three lower chakras. So if you are feeling any blockages with the lower three chakras, Carnelian is great to get these unblocked.
*Price for one (1). You will receive this exact piece. Please expect some variation in color, shape, and other natural characteristics.
**Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. The information contained here in is metaphysical in nature and does not claim to heal or cure, and should not be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine.