Star garnets are extremely rare. India and Idaho are the two most famous stone localities and the only places where they have been produced in commercial quantities. Small amounts of gems have also been found in Russia, Brazil, and North Carolina. It is also the state gem of Idaho.
Star Garnet is a gemstone with a meaning and properties of enhancing creativity. It would stimulate owner curiosity and create brand new things. This gemstone is good when you want to show your individuality. It would help grow your skills and increase your self-confidence. The gemstone can help you to become socially independent.
The Star Garnet is also a powerful dream stone. Sleeping or meditating with this crystalline ally will bring lucid dreams and also help one to remember the details of those dreams after waking up the following morning.
The Star Garnet has been named by some crystal healers the "Stone of Majesty". Wearing or carrying a Star Garnet will enhance your personal charisma and allow for your inner beauty to shine like a star in the night.
*Price for one (1). The images are Stock photos of a small portion of our collection. Please expect some variation in color, shape, and other natural characteristics.
**Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. The information contained here in is metaphysical in nature and does not claim to heal or cure, and should not be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine.